Step into the enchanting realm of ​SweetTeacups . A simple click on the SHOP ​NOW where it shall transport you to the ​checkout, where you shall summon forth a ​wondrous Teacup brimming with plucked ​soapy or fresh blooms nestled in a vintage ​vessel. This unique offering shall linger in ​memory, a perennial gift of affection. As each ​sip is savored from this vessel, thoughts of you ​shall dance in perpetuity within their hearts.

Should you seek swift enchantment, order ere ​the clock strikes 2pm for a same-day courier ​to the Central Coast. Behold, each Teacup ​shall bear a distinct hue and design, yet all ​shall exude elegance and vintage charm. Fear ​not, for a glimpse of this masterpiece shall be ​shared ere it embarks on its destined journey.

When scribing your missive, grace the note ​solely with the names of giver and recipient. ​Enter this realm with care and reverence, ​dear visitor.

Sweet Teacups

0452 600 642

Monday to Friday 9-5pm

Pink roses in a teacup
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